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Meetings on cooperativism seek to strengthen the engagement of producers inthe Cooplaf Leite Projec

Regina Groenendal

Stimulate and strengthen the commitment of producers to the objectives of the

Cooplaf Leite Project, as well as the collaboration between them in favor of the

development of Cooplaf. This was the objective of the first meetings on

cooperativism held by the Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS), in the last week of April, in the

settlements served by the project in the region of Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul.

“These meetings are part of the satellite activities foreseen in the Cooplaf Leite

Project and seek to promote integration between all the actions being promoted, in

the areas of reproductive and sanitary management, zootechnical management and

animal nutrition”, explains Moacir Kretzmann, an IBS consultant who held meetings

on cooperativism.

According to him, the idea is to show the role of each action and the importance of

the commitment and responsibility of each producer in carrying out these actions,

which will contribute to the improvement of the production and quality of the milk

produced, with reflexes in the strengthening of the cooperative.

“We seek to encourage the participation of young people and women, demonstrating

the importance of involving the whole family in promoting changes in properties. We

also show them how to install the CheckMilk application on their cell phone and how

to use it to manage the properties”, adds Moacir.

Through the CheckMilk application, producers will have access to important

information in all areas of the dairy activity and everything is available in the palm of

their hand. The tool works as a support, an extension of the services provided by the

Instituto BioSistêmico, facilitating property management.

For the 1st Secretary of Cooplaf, Lucilha de Almeida, producer of the Patagonia

Settlement, strengthening cooperativism and encouraging the involvement of

producers in this process is essential.

“The producers are the pillars of the cooperative. To improve productivity and

product quality, everyone has to do their part and this will have an impact on the

collective, as the cooperative is the sum of the efforts of each member. If we want to

improve in something, everyone must be engaged in this search, it is a collective

effort”, highlights Lucilha.



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