The initiative is supported by resources from the Zoetis Foundation and Sebrae/MS, in addition to institutional and academic support from Unimabr.

The couple of producers Laura and Gonçalo Pinholati during the first session of IBS
The first actions of the Cooplaf Leite Project were carried out by the teams of the Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS) starting in February. The project was conceived by IBS with the main objective of promoting the development of dairy farming with the members of the Cooperativa Agrícola Mista da Pecuária de Corte e Leiteira e da Agricultura Familiar (Cooplaf), an entity based in the municipality of Terenos, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Midwest region of Brazil.
The initiative is supported by resources from the Zoetis Foundation and the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. It also receives institutional and academic support from Unimar – University of Marília.
In the first actions, awareness meetings were held to select the properties to be served. In total, 100 properties in the municipality of Terenos and some neighboring municipalities are benefiting from the project. In addition to raising awareness, the teams from the BioSistêmico Institute carried out the zootechnical bookkeeping of the properties.
“In this stage, we collected the productive data of the properties, revenues, expenses, medium and long-term plans. With this information, we prepare an action plan to implement the improvements identified as necessary on the property”, explains zootechnician Luís Henrichsen, director of the Instituto BioSistêmico and coordinator of the Cooplaf Leite Project.
Henrichsen adds that the execution of the project takes place through a set of activities and technological assistance resources, structured and modulated for the development and adaptation of the production process, for the improvement of milk quality and productivity.
“We aim to achieve these objectives through satellite actions that are developed around five strategic axes that interact and integrate the links of the milk production process”, highlights Luís Henrichsen. The five axes mentioned by the director of the IBS are reproductive management, sanitary management, nutritional management, zootechnical management and good practices.
The assistance provided by the Cooplaf Leite Project is carried out by a multidisciplinary team of IBS consultants, made up of administrators, agronomists, veterinarians and zootechnicians.