Most of the properties served by the Cooplaf Leite project now guarantee quality food for the herd

The Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS) carried out two rounds of nutritional management assistance, in the first half of 2024, to the 100 properties that are part of the Cooplaf Leite project, in the Terenos-MS region. The first round was carried out between February 19th and March 14th, and the second was carried out between April 22nd and May 16th.
According to agronomist Edson José Strapação, IBS consultant responsible for the project's nutritional management services, most properties now guarantee quality food for the herd, whether through pasture or supplementation. Another improvement factor stimulated by IBS technical support is animal welfare, which has received more attention from producers“In terms of pasture management, many producers have already increased the number of divisions of the area into paddocks, started to reform the pasture and implement weeding for winter supplementation”, reports the agronomist.

The consultant from the Instituto BioSistêmico adds that technical guidance has been fundamental for producers, who can count on support in choosing inputs, soil and pasture management, choosing seeds suitable for the region, and controlling pests and diseases. These are a set of measures that are now being adopted and which contribute to improving the productivity and quality of milk.
“Whenever a producer learns something new from the technician and sees the result in practice, he never forgets it”, highlights Edson.
In this phase before winter, the IBS consultant reinforces that there cannot be a lack of a food production strategy to face this season, which is usually dry in Mato Grosso do Sul. “At this stage, it is necessary to have plan A and B for the herd does not suffer from the lack of pasture that is common in winter”, he adds.
Improvement in nutritional management
At the Andorinha farm, in the Patagônia settlement, in Terenos-MS, milk producer Edson João de Oliveira and his son, Bruno Souza de Oliveira, are achieving improvements based on the technical guidance provided in the IBS nutritional management services in the Cooplaf Leite project

Producer Edson João de Oliveira and his son, Bruno Souza de Oliveira.
“The cattle feeding part is improving with the guidance of the project's agronomist. A soil analysis was carried out, he advises on fertilization, and how to cut the forages correctly. Before, we were only making one cut and with the guidelines he has been giving, we were able to make two to three cuts per year”, says the producer.
According to him, by following the recommendations, it was possible to improve the quality and productivity of the forages, guaranteeing quality silage for the cows during the off-season, the dry period.
About the project
The Cooplaf Leite Project was conceived by the Instituto BioSistêmico with the main objective of promoting the development of dairy farming among members of the Mixed Agricultural Cooperative for Beef and Dairy Livestock and Family Farming (Cooplaf), an entity based in the municipality of Terenos, in state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Center-West region of Brazil.
Executed by IBS, the initiative is supported by resources from the Zoetis Foundation and the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. It also receives institutional and academic support from Unimar – University of Marília.
This is another livestock project carried out by the Instituto BioSistêmico that uses the CheckMilk methodology, which has a platform with a management system and application for technical teams and producers. The system facilitates project management and the application helps the producer on a daily basis, as support, an extension of IBS consultancy that can be accessed at any time in the palm of your hand.