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IBS team performs milk analysis and FTAI in the Cooplaf Leite Project

Regina Groenendal

Updated: May 3, 2022

The consultations were part of the health management round developed in April.

At the beginning of April, the Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS) started to carry out the Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) rounds of the Cooplaf Leite Project in the properties served in the Terenos-MS region when the first protocols had already completed 11 sync days.

Inseminations are part of the health management services that counts on the Vaca Móvel apparatus, an IBS unit equipped with instruments for carrying out milk quality tests, as well as for FTAI. 174 of the 177 cows registered by the reproductive management team in the previous stage were inseminated in this round of sanitary management.

With the tests carried out by the IBS team through Vaca Móvel, it is possible to verify the composition, physical and chemical requirements, as well as indicators of milk alterations.

“The tests indicate acidity, mastitis, fat, protein, milk mass, yield, lactose percentage, whether or not there is water in the milk. Producers are able to have a base of how the quality of the milk produced is. If there are any changes, we indicate what can be improved in terms of nutrition and health management, for example”, says veterinarian Rachel Lozano Spressão, who was part of the health management team.


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