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IBS conducts training on silage and forage harvester adjustment

Regina Groenendal

This week, the Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS) carried out training on silage and ensilage adjustment for producers served in the Cooplaf Leite Project. There were two meetings, one in the Alambari CUT settlement in Sidrolândia-MS, on 05/02, and the other in the Santa Mônica settlement in Terenos-MS, on 05/03.

The training aimed to clarify and demonstrate the points of attention at the time of making the silage, specifying the appropriate adjustments of the forage machine to ensure good conservation of the food until the moment of use.

“The success of the process depends on factors such as the ideal cutting point, quality of the cut, compaction of the food and closing of the silo”, explains agronomist Tibério Paccola Minetto, an IBS consultant who carried out the training and has been carrying out the services of the Cooplaf Project in the area of animal nutrition since April.


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