About CheckMilk
To carry out dairy farming projects, the BioSistêmico Institute uses the CheckMilk methodology, which has a platform with a management system and an application for technical teams and producers. The system facilitates project management and the application helps the producer on a daily basis, as a support extension of the IBS consultancy that can be accessed at any time in the palm of the hand.

The CheckMilk methodology was inspired by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Milk Federation (FIL) guide to good sustainable milk practices. There are 160 check questions in six major areas: milking health and hygiene, animal welfare, socioeconomic issues and environmental issues.
From the platform, it is possible to monitor the degree of compliance of properties in different areas. In the case of dairy cooperatives or other organizations in the dairy sector, CheckMilk generates an ESG subsidy, facilitating accountability to society, for governance, for example. The organization is able, through the platform, to identify the profile of its milk suppliers in addition to having an overview of properties within ESG standards.
For more information about CheckMilk, visit the website.